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Fabulous Outings (and an example of good deeds that happen when you get like minded people together)

I would firstly like to say a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who ventured on the North Wales Tour did me the world of good even though I am struggling to walk
A HUGE THANKYOU to fellow members, Paul M, who suggested I get myself a Monopod, & to Mike F, who ever so kindly gave me his un-used Monopod! It is fantastic in every aspect and I used it not only yesterday but today also. 
Thank you guys for your continued help, advice & support. Joining this group has most definitely been one of the best moves I’ve made in a long time.  Donna

Find out more about the trip here!

Teaching an old dog new tricks?

I started taking photos when I was about 16yrs old. I had a plastic Box Brownie (oval shape) then progressed onto Kodak Instamatic 233, film was 126. I then moved to 35mm film with a camera called Prinzflex made by Dixon's, at this time I started to try different things Flash, Filters and slow speeds not with much success. All my pictures were just ordinary snaps.


Other cameras I had included a 110 film Minolta slr and a normal 110 film camera. After that I bought a Praktika MTL3 (35mm film)  55mm lens also had a 80-250mm lens, again most of pics were just snaps nothing special, Then I bought a Pentax ME Super with 50mm lens,  then I started to read the photo magazines and looked for idea's trying allsorts of shots, slowly my photography was getting a bit better, with the ME Super you could use it on Manual or set the speed and the camera would set the appropiate aperture or viceversa.


In 2005 I progressed to Digital with a Nikon D50 with 18-55mm lens and 55-200 lens I used this camera but most of the time it was set on Auto.  I was getting some good photos just using Auto, but couldnt get my head round some of the controls. 


I was lucky enough to go to Tasmania, Australia for a holiday in 2013 and it was here I first tried slow speeds on taking a picture of a waterfall,  the rest of the 800 pics taken were mainly on auto.


I joined 21st Century and Technology Camera club in April 2014 and since then my Camera is 90% set on Manual after talking and listening to other members of the group, I have found all the members very helpful and will sit down with you and go through the settings and advice you on the best place/position to take a picture etc.


I have even been able to help some of the other members of the group.


They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks WRONG! At 73 yrs of age I have learnt a lot of new tricks, Thank you.




See a photographer who has  carried out a project with some of these historical cameras here.

Something for everyone

"Fantastic group all of mixed sexes, ages, thing in help you get the best out of your camera. 

This Group has not only inspired me but given me a new lease of life. Fabulous people, Caring & Helpful people. Mixed ages, sex & abilities...all given individual help by experienced & professional photographers.
Anyone who loves taking photos, this group is for you!!! Xx"


Donnamaria Long

Watch the Birdie!

"...We all see the results in the monthly presentations, lots of people are coming on leaps and bounds and in such a short time too..."

"...If I may, I would like to include myself with these people as I can honestly say I had not taken one shot of a bird in flight up to going to Pennington Flash with the group. Since then I have taken quite a few such shots and if only in my eyes, I think I have progressed a little bit from sitting on a rock at Pennington thinking, 'What do I do next?' I know I still have a long way to go but I am enjoying trying to get there.  "       - Mal Wetton

Marbury Park Photo Opportunity

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed yesterday. I was made to feel part of the group as soon as I arrived and everyone was so helpful especially you. I never thought I would get so many great pictures.
The park is a great place to visit and and having the group there the help to understand where to stand and what to look for was great.
No one just ignored me if I asked a question there was an answer straight away. I also liked seeing how others thought about what they were photographing and how they went about it.

I look forward the next monthly meeting to see the results

Thanks again


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© 2015 by  Melody Smith.   Created with

All member pictures are the copyright of the photographer who took them.

Please email the club to request permission to use them.                                      

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