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Teaching an old dog new tricks?

I started taking photos when I was about 16yrs old. I had a plastic Box Brownie (oval shape) then progressed onto Kodak Instamatic 233, film was 126. I then moved to 35mm film with a camera called Prinzflex made by Dixon's, at this time I started to try different things Flash, Filters and slow speeds not with much success. All my pictures were just ordinary snaps.


Other cameras I had included a 110 film Minolta slr and a normal 110 film camera. After that I bought a Praktika MTL3 (35mm film)  55mm lens also had a 80-250mm lens, again most of pics were just snaps nothing special, Then I bought a Pentax ME Super with 50mm lens,  then I started to read the photo magazines and looked for idea's trying allsorts of shots, slowly my photography was getting a bit better, with the ME Super you could use it on Manual or set the speed and the camera would set the appropiate aperture or viceversa.


In 2005 I progressed to Digital with a Nikon D50 with 18-55mm lens and 55-200 lens I used this camera but most of the time it was set on Auto.  I was getting some good photos just using Auto, but couldnt get my head round some of the controls. 


I was lucky enough to go to Tasmania, Australia for a holiday in 2013 and it was here I first tried slow speeds on taking a picture of a waterfall,  the rest of the 800 pics taken were mainly on auto.


I joined 21st Century and Technology Camera club in April 2014 and since then my Camera is 90% set on Manual after talking and listening to other members of the group, I have found all the members very helpful and will sit down with you and go through the settings and advice you on the best place/position to take a picture etc.


I have even been able to help some of the other members of the group.


They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks WRONG! At 73 yrs of age I have learnt a lot of new tricks, Thank you.




See a photographer who has  carried out a project with some of these historical cameras here.

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