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All the mines except West Mine and the Scout Hole are under property owned by the National Trust

and have been leased to the Derbyshire Caving Club. The Club has also arranged access to West

Mine through a shaft on National Trust property. The National Trust has granted permission to the

DCC to take visitors around the mines covered by the lease subject to certain conditions. Visitors are

generally taken around Wood Mine and occasionally Engine Vein. Visits to the West Mine, Hough

Level and Brinlow Mine can only be made by experienced cavers.



Anyone reasonably fit may visit the mines leased by the DCC provided that they are in a party led by

a member of the DCC. Persons under 18 may do so provided an indemnity is signed by a parent,

guardian or Local Education Committee. Persons under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or

guardian or some other suitably authorised person, for instance a Scout Leader or Teacher. People

with disabilities can be accommodated on trips designed to suit their capabilities.



The DCC will lend a helmet and miner's cap lamp to each visitor. No other special equipment is

required and visitors are discouraged from bringing extra items such as torches and cameras which

may hinder their tour around the mines. NB. This has been booked as a photographic outing.



Good footwear is essential and wellington boots are recommended. Trainers are not suitable for

some trips. Waterproof clothing is not required but old clothes, which will not suffer from contact

with sand and mud, are advisable. The temperature in the mines is cool, but constant. Dress as if for

an autumn day in the garden!



There are some hazards but the parts of the mine visited have been selected to minimise risk. The

guide's instructions must always be followed. The route can be varied according to the interests and

abilities of the party. Visitors with medical conditions (such as asthma, angina, epilepsy, etc.) must

ensure that they have the appropriate medication with them on the trip and should advise the

leader in advance, in confidence.



No mineral specimens of any kind may be taken from the mines. This is a condition of the lease and

also means that the minerals remain in situ for subsequent parties to see. Photographs may be

taken without any restriction, but photographers are asked not to delay the rest of the party

unnecessarily. Photographers must be aware of the extra risk to their equipment when taking it




The cost of maintaining the mines and lighting equipment is borne by the DCC so payments from

visitors are expected. Most visitors believe that a donation of £6 is appropriate for Wood Mine and

Engine Vein or £10 for West Mine trips. Payments will not be accepted from persons under 18

unless accompanied by a parent as the Club is not licensed as an Adventure Activity Centre. An

exception is made to this rule for Open Days.

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